Captain Miller is a fictional character portrayed by Tom Hanks in the 1998 film "Saving Private Ryan," directed by Steven Spielberg. In the movie, Captain John H. Miller is the commanding officer of a squad of soldiers tasked with finding and bringing back Private James Francis Ryan, whose three brothers have been killed in action during World War II. Captain Miller is depicted as a courageous and compassionate leader who cares deeply for his men. Throughout the film, he struggles with the weight of his responsibility to his mission and the lives of his soldiers. He embodies qualities of bravery, resilience, and selflessness, often putting the welfare of his men above his own. Miller's character undergoes significant development as he grapples with the horrors of war and the moral complexities of his mission. Despite facing immense challenges and personal doubts, he remains steadfast in his commitment to his duty and to the men under his command.
Overall, Captain Miller serves as a symbol of leadership, sacrifice, and the human cost of war in "Saving Private Ryan." His character is integral to the film's exploration of themes such as camaraderie, heroism, and the impact of violence on individuals and society.